API Reference
This page is dedicated to the reference of the API.
Here, you will find the all the events that are available with the API, what are their parameters and how to use them.
Please keep in mind that this page is for Experienced users, it requires some technical knowledge. Here is what you need to know:
- Lua
- BeamMP (Server scripting)
- General Programming Understanding
Example of an API Event
API Example Event
participant API as API Implementation
participant BP as BeamPerms
Note over BP,API: This is an example of an API call <br><br> arg1: string <br> arg2: number <br><br> result1: string <br> result2: number
API->>+BP: "eventName", arg1, arg2
Note over BP: Process
BP->>-API: result1,result2
API Initialization Sequence
API Initialization Sequence
participant API as API Implementation
participant BP as BeamPerms
Note over BP,API: Check if BeamPerms is present <br> (If there is an endpoint for the API)
API->>+BP: "checkBpPresence"
Note over BP: Endpoint Found
BP->>-API: true
activate BP
Note over BP: Endpoint NOT Found <br> (By default BeamMP will return false)
BP--x-API: false
Note over BP,API: Check if API version is compatible <br><br> API_VERSION: string (Example: "v1.0.0")
API->>+BP: "checkBpApiCompatibility", API_VERSION
Note over BP: Compatibility check is successful
BP->>-API: true
activate BP
Note over BP: Compatibility check is NOT successful
BP->>-API: false